Storefront Guide : Body Central

Variant 1 (cylindrical pillar, tiles)

Holotype: Former storefronts at Melbourne Square, Melbourne, FL (left) and Orlando Fashion Square, Orlando, FL (right)

Spotting Features: Entryway framed by two blue, tiled cylindrical pillars on either side; large, flat display windows on either side that can either be entirely flat or angled. Strip of dark gray blocks running along the bottom of the display windows.

Photographer Credit: Cape Kennedy Retail

Variant 2 (square pillar, tiles)

Holotype: Former storefronts at Oak Park Mall, Overland Park, KS (left) and Manhattan Town Center, Manhattan, KS (right)

Spotting features: Entryway framed by two blue, tiled square pillars on either side. Entrance is on the left, with a display window on the right, which will have either another blue tiled pillar on the right, or a gray smooth pillar with banding on the bottom. Line of gray block along the bottom of the window. Storefront may either be flush with the wall, or come out from it.

Similar Storefronts: Champs Sporting Goods. Identifying difference: Body Central columns are tiled, while Champs columns are smooth.

Photographer Credit: dblackwood

Variant 3 (3-section)

Holotype: Former storefront at Towne East Square Mall, Wichita, KS

Spotting features: Central entrance with display windows on both sides. "bumps" with angled sides over the display windows and entrance. "Bumps" have thick trim along top and bottom. Square columns on the edges of the display windows stand proud of the window. Entire storefront is made of square, medium sized tiles.

Photographer Credit: dblackwood